How to prevent Blogger Post Content from being stolen or copied ? | 2021


How to prevent Blogger Post Content from being stolen or copied ? | 2021

    It seems very disappointing whenever someone writes an article on a blogger or website and the same same article is not only seen in any other website or blog, but also starts to rank well in Google above the fresh article. Nowadays, there is a lot of bloggers who do not like to work on their own, just think of earning money by getting their site ranked in Google with the help of stolen articles from some tips and tricks. But this work does not last long. But even then, with his few stolen articles, the original owner of those articles is severely damaged, because he does not get the credit or the income he deserves.

    Now let's talk about how to save these articles from being stolen in Blogger or how to avoid these theft sites. So your heart will certainly be broken, but it is also true that there is no 100% way in Blogger to save your article from being stolen, because nowadays there is a lot of pirated sites and softwares on the internet. Those who break every security comfortably and steal the post / article. But this work is possible only for a few hackers or old bloggers.

    There is no need to be disappointed, as I said above, this work is not for everyone. Today we are going to tell about this with the help of our article that how we can save our article in Blogger from being stolen in 2021. Like I have already told you that these tricks / settings do not work on 100% people, but you can save your article from being stolen from 90% people. So let's start.

    How articles Content Stole/Copy ?

    Before starting how to prevent an article from being stolen or copied, you should know what method is used to steal or copy the article. Because if we don't know how they steal, then how will we save?

    Below are some ways that are used to steal blog content.

    Copy Paste  : This is the easiest and popular way that almost everyone will be aware. Just copy the copying text and make it your own by pasting it on your site.

    Drag-drop : Selecting text and images in articles and copying them by dragging them to another window

    Copy from RSS feed : One of the best and used ways to do complete copy of any post is complete. Because everyone puts security on their website / blog, but everyone lets their rss feed open so that anyone can easily copy it.

    Copy from source code.

    How to protect Blogger Post content

    Below are several different ways by which you can prevent the content of your blog / article from being copied without your consent:

    I) Disable Text Selection

    Disable text selection This is the best way and most effective way to save your content from new blogger. There are also two ways in this, one is by entering rss code and the second is by disabling the most popular java script. First we will talk about disabling text selection through rss.

    Ia)Disable text selection through Css

    css prevent text selection .Deselecting text is the best way to prevent it from being copied from a live page using right-click context menu shortcut keys or drag and drop. This can only be implemented using Css by applying the following Css definitions to the element you want to disable text selection:

    Now Log in to blogger => Themes => Customize theme =>Add Css => Paste The Code Given Below => Then save

    -webkit-user-select: -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none;

    Done !!!!!!!

    Ib)Disable text selection through Javascript

    This is the most popular way of disabling text selection and the most common way in searching results articles on the internet, but it is also very easy to break it, but as I said earlier, we will use a lot of security to prevent content from being stolen. for. So to put the next code !!!!!

    Log in to blogger => Layout => add a gadget => add html JavaScript => Paste the code given Below => Save. 

    <!- start disable copy paste -->

    <script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script>

    <!-- End disable copy paste --></!->

    Done !!!!!!!

    Now text selection has become disabled on your blog / website, now let's talk about other methods

    II) Disable drag and drop

    By disabling the drag and drop option, you can prevent text and images from being stolen from your blog / website. 

    Log in to blogger => Go to Themes => Edit Html => Search For Code Given Below (Ctrl F , Then Paste The Code and search) 

    <b:includable id='post' var='post'>

    Now paste a new code under this code. Code is given below

    <div class='post hentry' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='' ondragstart='return false' onselectstart='return false'>

    Done !!!!!!!

    Now the option to drag and drop is disabled on your blog / website. Now let's move on to the next step and let's start.

    III) Minimize Rss Feed

    Many bloggers make the same mistake that on their blog / website security is installed, but they leave the Rss of their blog / website open. Due to which the entire article of the blog / website is easily stolen. So today we first shorten it and see here how to redirect the Rss feed and make Rss feed.

    Log in to blogger => Dashboard => Settings => Look For Site feed => Allow blog feed => Now Select the option of your Choice i suggest Until Jump Break or Select Short.

    Save and Done !!!!!!!

    IV) Watermark images

    On the blog / website containing images or on the rest of the blog, to save the images from being stolen, make sure to watermark your site name on them. Because watermarked images are less stolen than other images. And even if someone steals, they will promote your blog / website only because your image will be named on that image.

    V) Disable Right Click On Images

    Some bloggers also use Disable Right Click On Images on their blog. To protect thier article images from being stolen. In this, whenever someone right-clicks on the photo of your blog / website, then a pop-up message is shown to them. You can keep this pop up mush according to yourself. Click on the link below to know more.

    Disable Right Click On Images

    Done !!!!!!!

    Keeep Blogging .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    After doing all the above mentioned settings, you can save your blog / website article content from copy / theft from 60% users. These settings may be different according to some themes, but even if you have a little understanding of html, you can still apply them on your website / blog. Then if any problem comes, then you can tell us through the comment box below. We will definitely try to solve it. Stay connected for more updates Updates Don't Forget To Join us on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram ,Telegram channel.

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